Florist Pindara

Florist Pindara is a renowned florist from Mumbai who offers flower delivery services. Florist Pindara also gives private lessons to budding florists and provides facilities like cuttings, propagating as well as maintenance of flowers. Florist Pindara is very famous for his freshness and quality of flowers. Apart from florists, he is also a tutor, trainer and gives private lessons.

Florist Pindara

Florist Pindara’s shop is located in Ghatkopar market in South Mumbai. The florist shops are open throughout the year and the main types of flowers that are sold are calla lilies, hyacinths, roses, carnations, daisies, kohlrabi, carnations, delphinium and lilies. The florist stores also offer floral accessories like candle stands, floral gifts, and flower bulbs. All the florist shops provide a lot of information regarding flower growing, maintenance, and proper handling of flowers.

Florist Pindara has been in this business for more than thirty years and is known for high quality freshness. Apart from fresh flowers, the florist shop offers stemware, ceramics, pottery, furniture and other decorative materials. The florist shop offers an array of delivery services across the Mumbai region. It offers flower delivery to your doorstep on all occasions. | florist | flowers | florist shop | shop} The florist shops are located in different areas of Mumbai. The areas include Bandra, Koregaon Park, Worli, Hanuman, Indira Nagar, Andheri, Borivali and Colaba. Most of the florist shops are open throughout the year. However, if you opt for winter flowers, you may have to wait until sometime after the carnival season. The florist shops help in adding to the ambience of the winter season by displaying their best and exotic flowers.

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