Cheap Cigarettes Near Me

Whether you’re a cheap cigarettes near me Yorker or just visiting, you know that cigarettes are expensive here. That’s because New York City taxes tobacco so heavily (a pack of smokes costs upward of $12 apiece), and those tax hikes are often accompanied by steep local and county taxes. And then there’s the federal taxes that every smoker pays to help fund anti-smoking campaigns.

Convenient Cigarettes Delivery Services: Your Options

The states with the highest cigarette prices tend to be clustered in the Northeast region, including New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island; the Mid-Atlantic region, which includes Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia; Illinois and Wisconsin in the Midwest; and Washington, Oregon, and California on the West Coast. Generally speaking, states with lower cigarette prices are found in the Southern and Great Plains regions of the United States.

Of the 30 states that regulate online cigarette sales, most of them impose minimum wholesale and retail selling price requirements for the sale of cigarettes (see Chart 6 below). A few states also require sellers to register and/or display information regarding state tobacco tax policies, including the current tobacco excise rate. In addition, many states have laws that mandate that a warning be displayed on cigarette packaging and in the vicinity of all smoking-related products (see Chart 7 below).

Despite state restrictions, Internet cigarette sales continue to grow. To counter these unauthorized sales, some states have passed laws to prohibit the shipping of cigarettes via Internet or mail order; most of these provisions are targeted at preventing tax evasion and youth access by requiring that cigarette product content language be stated on all packaging and that sellers identify their location (whether inside or outside the state). Other efforts to curtail Internet cigarette sales include voluntary actions by credit card companies and PayPal to cease processing transactions for online cigarette retailers.

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