Flowers Boost Your Mental Health
Surround yourself with flowers and you’ll be less anxious! A study has shown that people in hospitals who had plants around them reported lower levels of anxiety and a more positive outlook. This link
Give a Flower Bouquet to a friend
Whether you’re a floral enthusiast or just a casual shopper, flowers make the perfect gift for any occasion. They’re also a great way to brighten up your living space and increase the mood of anyone who sees them.
The History of Flower Power and Its Impact on the World
The flower power movement started in Berkeley, California, as a means of symbolic protest against the Vietnam War. It was based on the non-violent principles of Beat Generation writer Allen Ginsberg.
As the hippie culture gained traction, flower power spread to other cities across America. Its non-violence principles were later embraced by acid-tripping hippies in San Francisco, who took the ethos to new heights during the 1960s.
It’s time to put the flower power back into your life! With our range of flowers and gifts, you’ll be ready to show your inner flower goddess in no time!
Reduce Vaginal Odor with Boric Acid Suppositories
Women often struggle to maintain a healthy balance of body pH. Luckily, we’re on hand with an easy and fast-acting boric acid suppository to help you achieve that beautiful, balanced state again!
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